Skype and instant messaging are two forms of communication that popular today as stated by Siemens (2008).
Lomas, Burke, & Page. (2008), states that skype, twitter, facebook, google docs, flickr, and a phone are new social tools for collaboration in an online environment.
Content can be delivered through tools such as blogs, podcast, and wikis as stated by Siemens (2008).
Textbooks and lectures are ways of to deliver the content in an online learning environment as stated by Anderson (2008).
Twitter, skype, facebook, blogs and wikis are some technological tools that students use away from an educational setting but can be used in an online learning environment as a means of communication, content and for collaboration. The technological tools that are displayed on the graphic organizer are beneficial and have advantages that provide skillful ways of communicating, collaborating, delivering content, getting feedback, peer to peer interaction, peer to instructor interaction, and provided unlimited interaction.
Anderson, T. (2008). The theory and practice of online learning (2nd ed.). Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press.
Dr. Stark, S. (2010), eHow. Asynchronous communication tools. Retrieved from
Lomas, C., Burke, M. & Page, C. (2008). Educause learning initiative. Collaboration tools. Retrieved from
Siemens, G. (2008, January). Learning and knowing in networks: Changing roles for educators and designers. ITForum.