Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Elements of Distance Education Diffusion

After listening to George Siemens discussion on the growing acceptance of distance education in today’s corporate and educational sphere, I chose communication as the element that is creating a more effective learning experience and giving distance education an identity of its own distinct from F2F courses.  In the past, communication in distance education was through the use of the postal service (mail). Worksheets, assignments and tests were mailed to the college instructor from home by the student. Today, “communication technology is an important part of distance education” (Johnson, 2010). In distance education students use various types of technology tools such as the following:
Students use computers and the Internet to gain access to their virtual classroom.
The school’s email, discussion board, course cafĂ© and collaborative learning community discussion board are used to communicate with the instructor as well as with classmates.
Blogs and Wikis, Microsoft Word Document, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel and gradebook are means of communication in a distance education program.

Johnson, E. (2010). Ezine articles. Tools and programs used in distance learning programs. Retrieved from

According to Arcoley, Siemens states "greater contributions from experts around the world has made a major impact on distance education"(Laureate Ed, 2008).
Today, we have so many advancements and new innovations that provide us with different communicate functions as well as so many technologies to choose from on a corporate and educational level. The advancement of communication innovations provides us with so many tools that we can communicate with each other on a global, local, and national level that it has taken distance education to a wider horizon.

I can remember when a distance learning program consisted of getting assignments through the mail and after completing them, sending them through the mail to be graded. Now, all we need is a computer with Internet access, a email address and enrollment in a distance education program.

Laureate Education Inc. (2008). Principles of Distance Education. Baltimore

Based on past years, communication technology tools have advanced so much on the global and national level which has given way to the rise of distance education programs. Most students have access to tools that are used in online programs such as computers, and the Internet. Andre states that most people have cell phones, Internet, computers and laptops and are able to communicate in an online learning environment more effectively with these tools. The use of blogs, wikis, email, and facebook are areas in which people like to communicate online with each other whether it is on a global or national level.  Andre states that according to Sieman, that because of the increase of online communication in society, we are seeing a growing acceptance in distance education programs (Siemens, 2010).
When I was a teenager, we had to communicate with each other through the use of home telephones if you had one and writing a letter. Today, we have cell phones, email, text messaging, computers, and the Internet which all are used for online learning programs.

Siemens, G. (2010). The future of distance education. (internet Video Presentation). Laureate Education, Inc.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Next Generation of Distance Education

According to Michael Simonson (n.d), distance education can be called e-learning and defined as formal education in learning groups that is separated from the instructor and uses technology. Also, he states that with the increasing popularity of distance education it t will evolve. Distance education is discussed in the corporate area, K-12 and higher education and Moller, Foshay, & Huett (2008), give their viewpoint on the need for distance education to evolve in the future.
Simonson (n.d) states that distance education is at the top of the diffusion curve because it is already widely accepted. I agree that distance education has evolved and will continue to evolve into the future.  In K-12, especially at the elementary level there are some issues that will have to be worked out before distance education can be adopted and accepted at that level. 
With the use of the Internet, it puts distance education at a level that does not compare to distance education when it was called correspondence study. Distance education has evolved into the future because more and more students have access to computers and Internet and also with the use of high-speed of the Internet.
Huett, J., Moller, L., Foshay, W & Coleman, C. (2008, September/October). The Evolution of Distance Education: Implications For Instructional Design On The Potential Of The Web (Part 3: K12). TechTrends, 52(5). 63-67.

Moller, L., Foshay, W., & Huett, J. (2008, May/June). The Evolution of Distance Education: Implications For Instructional Design On The Potential Of The Web (Part 1: Training And Development). TechTrends, 52(3), 70-75.

Moller, L., Foshay, W., & Huett, J. (2008, May/June). The Evolution of  Distance Education: Implications For Instructional Design On The Potential Of The Web (Part 2: Higher Education). TechTrends, 52(4), 66-70.

Simonson, M. (n.d.) Distance Education: The Next Generation. [Study video]. Retrieved from